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Stuarts Point

Another dawn fishing patrol at Middle Beach, yielding 3 bream & a flathead. Only a foot of swell so I lobbed nippers just beyond the shorebreak which seemed to work well. The flatty was border line legal and I had forgotten to bring my ruler. Thinking on my feet, I quickly downloaded a ruler app on my phone, measuring the fish at 38cm. Wow - what can't an iphone do? Tomoko prepared fresh sashimi accompanyed with soy sauce and wasabi. I can't imagine how it could taste better cooked. The resident pelicans were appreciative of my efforts as well.


Someone who doesn't appear to be as appreciative though, is Shaka. A doggy fence purchased in Coffs was put up allowing him to wander outside at his leisure. It also eliminates the need to keep opening and closing the zipper of the annex door (which was becoming tiresome to be honest). A wise traveller once told me 'if you can't find at least two uses for something, don't bring it' & I think this passes the litmus test.


Saturday morning was a trip to Macksville as Tomoko wanted to hit the riverside markets. A total of 4 stalls curbed the enthusiasm a touch but we did score some fresh, cheap local veges. Tomoko liked the decor of one of Macksville's old style cafe's. As we waited in line we watched in interest as some other customers were being served (to use the term loosely). We just caught the back end of the conversation as the scowl faced waitress with the acerbic tongue cried "I don't know how long it will take...I don't have octopus arms!!". Witnessing this, we made a hasty exit before being further contaminated by her negative vibes.

It did give us the opportunity to explore the town & Tomoko discovered the local op shop. Her hobby is finding milk glasswear (hey...someones gotta do it) and she found a Fire King (why does it remind me of a Cult song??) plate for $3. These sell for roughly $30 in Japan so she was pretty stoked with the find.

The next day I again hit the beaches at dawn - this time to Grassy Head where I had spied a promising gutter the previous afternoon. I began fishing the gutter with yabbies and after no action for 15 minutes or so, moved further up the beach to a shorebreak where I managed a bream and two dart. I tried the gutter again without success and probably fished it longer than I should have. I just couldnt believe there was no fish in there.


The afternoon was spent packing up for our following day departure. We really loved our stay here. Clean and tidy van park in a great location with plenty of fishing and surfing options. What more could you ask for in a holiday destination? We could easily have stayed for a few more weeks but there's plenty more to see and do and the road is calling us.


Thanks for visiting our blog. Until next time - Adios Amigos

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