Another day on the move. Packing up seems to be getting quicker but not without unexpected mishaps. They are everywhere, waiting to befall the complacent traveller. Note to self: must remove step before lowering caravan onto tow ball.

Today saw us tackle the winding Oxley Highway towards New England. We passed through the quaint timber town of Wauchope before entering the rainforest of the Great Dividing Range. We stopped on a side verge for a toilet stop & I found 20 or so empty packages of oxycontin (results of a chemist heist perhaps?). We later emerged from the climb into farmland. Why does the heart soften with the sight of new born lambs suckling on their mum?

Passing through Walcha, Tomoko spied yet another op shop and she went in with unbridled enthusiasm, not returning empty handed. She makes a bloody good cuppa - I only hope we dont perchance on a bumpy road with all this glasswhere - could be messy.

Mid afternoon we pulled into Tamworth to stretch the legs and top up on fuel. It took a while to pay for the fuel as the unkept customer in front of me fumbled in his pockets for cigarette change. At last it appeared to be my turn but as I began to step up to the counter the attendant stopped me, sprayed a liberal amount of air freshener, and we were right to continue with the transaction. Strange town...Tamworth.
On the outskirts of town we amusingly watched as a cyclist attempt to evade a persistent magpie. I urged Tomoko to take some footage on her phone but she was too slow. Shouldn't laugh though - I'm sure at some stage it will be my turn in front of the black and white crosshairs.
Eventually we arrived at Manilla, staying at the River Gums Van Park. We busily set up camp but just on dusk, lost AC power. I went to the power box for a likely cause and decided it could be any number of reasons. When I reached the candlelit office I realised we weren't the only ones affected.

Despite the power concerns it looks like a nice, quiet park and we are looking forward to spending a few days here. Until next time...Adios Amigos.